
This app accompanies Vincent Genet's documentary photography work Tripoli Fresco. Photographed between 2021 and 2022 in the Lebanese city, the Tripoli Fresco presents a wide variety of images, ranging from geographical contexts of the city, to scenes of daily life, as well as portraits.

There are two versions of the Fresco: a book and an exhibition. Each gives the other more nuance. These versions exist within a larger system including: a series of videos, archives giving access to the photographs not selected for the book and the exhibition, a mobile application and a website. This device has two goals: to deepen the Fresco from angles that the exhibition and the book do not show; to allow the public to reappropriate the work in order to use it in different ways.

On many levels, the Tripoli Fresco is, and can, allow for a work of remembrance. As the photographs are composed, assembled in a precise order, they ask those who look at them to be active. We could speak of the compositions of the Fresco as "journey for the eye" in which memory, and more generally the senses, play a primary role.

The app contains the game Pac-Kaaké, related to the Fresco, as well as access to the various content of the project. It is associated with a website: www.ladansedesrelations.com

The app exists thanks to a partnership between the photographer Vincent Genet, the ISART DIGITAL school and the Art and Health program of the IA association. Vincent Genet is a French photographer born in Nice in 1992. Since 2019, he has been working on a work, The flowers that were already peeking out, of which the Tripoli Fresco is the first part. ISART DIGITAL is a private higher education school, present in France and Canada, which offers training in video games and 3D animation. The Art and Health program of the association IA (Innovation Alzheimer – Affect – Autisme) uses artistic creation in research projects, conferences, discussion groups, books, applications and exhibitions. The objective is to promote teaching, exchange and sharing around memory, motivation and collective or individual health. It is in this context that the Art and Health programme supports the Tripoli Fresco.

Credits of the app:

Vincent Genet (Conception of the application, Graphic Design)
Louis Garrigues (Programming, Game Design)
Maël Addoum (Game Technologies Consultant)
Prof. Philippe Robert - CoBTeK - Association IA (Conseil Santé)
Sarah Kabbout (Translation, Consultation)